(Boreochiton ruber)


Boreochiton ruber (Linnaeus, 1767)



Chiton ruber Mohr 1786 

Boreochiton ruber Johansen 1902

Trachydermon ruber Knudsen 1949

Reference to best descriptions of the species: Kaas & Van Belle 1985b: 136-139, Fig 63, Muus 1959: 46-47, Figs 26, 19d.

BIOICE stations:  Not found in the BIOICE samples; specimens in IINH collection from one location. 

Other records: West and south-west Iceland, 35 localities (Knudsen 1949)

Bathymetrical range within the area: 0 - 100 m

Substrate: Hard bottom, stones, algae, clay mixed with sand

World distribution: Arctic - circumboreal: the Barents Sea, the White Sea, near Spitzbergen, Norwegian coast south to the British Isles, Devon Island in Northern Canada south to New London, Connecticut. In the Pacific Ocean: the Sea of Okotsk, the Sea of Japan, the Bering Sea, near the Kurile, the Commander and the Aleutian Islands, the American coast from Alaska to Seattle, Washington.

World bathymetrical range: 0 - 270 m

Remarks: The species was not encountered during the BIOICE survey probably because as it is mostly found in shallow waters that were not sampled during BIOICE. 

Cite this page as: Jon-Arne Sneli and Gudmundsson, G. (2018). Polyplacophora (Nökkvar). http://ni.is/biota/animalia/mollusca/polyplacophora/boreochiton-ruber-0

References at: http://ni.is/biota/animalia/mollusca/polyplacophora




Guðmundur Guðmundsson apríl 2017


Tegund (Species)
(Boreochiton ruber)