Red List for Vascular Plants
The IINH Red List for Vascular Plants from 2018 is the most recent inventory of threatened vascular plant species in Iceland. Assessment is as per the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria from 2017.
A total of 56 vascular plant species are on the IINH’s 2018 Red List. All Icelandic vascular plant species were assessed, with the exception of Hieracium (hawkweed) and Taraxacum (dandelion) microspecies. As of 2018, one species is classified as regionally extinct (RE) in Iceland, eight are critically endangered (CR), seven are endangered (EN), and 31 are vulnerable (VU). Several species are new on the Red List. Most newly added species to the Red list have only been recently found here in Iceland. Many of these species thus fall into the category of Data Deficient (DD). These species are: Melampyrum pratense (CR), Botrychium lunaria v. melzeri (DD), Botrychium nordicum (DD), Carex buxbaumii (DD), Huperzia arctica (DD), and Potamogeton compressus (DD).
The IINH recommends that all species on the Red List (i.e., in the categories RE, CR, EN, VU, and DD) be declared protected in Iceland.
NB. This is an English version of the Red List. In the case of discrepancy, the original Icelandic version, Válisti æðplantna, is the authoritative text.
Species Regionally Extinct (RE)
Name | Scientific name | Category | Criteria | Global |
Davíðslykill | Primula egaliksensis | RE | LC |
Species Critically Endangered (CR)
Name | Scientific name | Category | Criteria | Global |
Skeggburkni | Asplenium septentrionale | CR | D | NE |
Gljástör | Carex pallescens | CR | B1; B2a+b(iv) | NE |
Vatnsögn | Crassula aquatica | CR | B1; B2b(ii,v) | NE |
Mýramaðra | Galium palustre | CR | B1; B2b(ii,iii,v); C2a(i); D | LC |
Mosaburkni | Hymenophyllum wilsonii | CR | A4; B1+2ab(ii,v); C1+2a(i); D | LC |
Burstajafni | Lycopodium clavatum | CR | B1; B2a+b(iii), D | NE |
Engjakambjurt | Melampyrum pratense | CR | B1; B2a+b(iii) | NE |
Glitrós | Rosa dumalis | CR | D | NE |
Species Endangered (EN)
Name | Scientific name | Category | Criteria | Global |
Svartburkni | Asplenium trichomanes | EN | D | NE |
Vorstör | Carex caryophyllea | EN | D | NE |
Trjónustör | Carex flava | EN | D | LC |
Knjápuntur | Danthonia decumbens | EN | D | NE |
Tjarnablaðka | Persicaria amphibia | EN | B1; B2a+b(iv) | LC |
Maríulykill | Primula stricta | EN | B1; B2b(iv) | LC |
Tunguskollakambur | Struthiopteris spicant var. fallax | EN | D | NE |
Species Vulnerable (VU)
Name | Scientific name | Category | Criteria | Global |
Lyngbúi | Ajuga pyramidalis | VU | D1 | NE |
Ljósalyng | Andromeda polifolia | VU | D2 | LC |
Ginhafri | Arrhenatherum elatius | VU | D2 | NE |
Klettaburkni | Asplenium viride | VU | D1; D2 | NE |
Mánajurt | Botrychium boreale | VU | D1 | NE |
Fjallabláklukka | Campanula uniflora | VU | D2 | NE |
Hrísastör | Carex adelostoma | VU | D2 | DD |
Heiðastör | Carex heleonastes | VU | DD | |
Hlíðaburkni | Cryptogramma crispa | VU | D2 | NE |
Skógelfting | Equisetum sylvaticum | VU | D2 | NE |
Sandlæðingur | Glaux maritima | VU | D2 | NE |
Flæðalófótur | Hippuris tetraphylla | VU | D2 | LC |
Fitjasef | Juncus gerardii | VU | D2 | NE |
Stinnasef | Juncus squarrosus | VU | D2 | NE |
Munkahetta | Lychnis flos-cuculi | VU | D2 | NE |
Hreistursteinbrjótur | Micranthes foliolosa | VU | D2 | NE |
Naðurtunga | Ophioglossum azoricum | VU | D2 | NE |
Súrsmæra | Oxalis acetosella | VU | D1; D2 | NE |
Stefánssól | Papaver radicatum ssp. stefanssonii | VU | D2 | NE |
Flóajurt | Persicaria maculosa | VU | D2 | LC |
Blæösp | Populus tremula | VU | D2 | LC |
Sifjarsóley | Ranunculus islandicus | VU | D2 | NE |
Þyrnirós | Rosa spinosissima | VU | D2 | NE |
Lónajurt | Ruppia maritima | VU | D2 | LC |
Fjallkrækill | Sagina caespitosa | VU | C2a(i) | NE |
Blátoppa | Sesleria albicans | VU | B1; B2ab(ii,iii,iv) | NE |
Flæðaskurfa | Spergularia salina | VU | LC | |
Línarfi | Stellaria borealis | VU | D2 | NE |
Rauðberjalyng | Vaccinium vitis-idaea | VU | D2 | LC |
Laugadepla | Veronica anagallis-aquatica | VU | D2 | LC |
Giljaflækja | Vicia sepium | VU | D2 | NE |
Species Near Threatened (NT)
Name | Scientific name | Category | Criteria | Global |
Renglutungljurt | Botrychium tenebrosum | NT | NE | |
Safastör | Carex diandra | NT | LC | |
Finnungsstör | Carex nardina | NT | NE | |
Hjartafífill | Crepis paludosa | NT | NE | |
Grámygla | Gnaphalium uliginosa | NT | NE | |
Loðgresi | Holcus lanatus | NT | NE | |
Vatnsnafli | Hydrocotyle vulgaris | NT | LC | |
Vatnalaukur | Isoetes lacustris | NT | LC | |
Eggtvíblaðka | Listera ovata | NT | NE | |
Ferlaufungur | Paris quadrifolia | NT | NE |
Data Deficient (DD)
Name | Scientific name | Category | Criteria | Global |
Botrychium lunaria var. melzeri | DD | NE | ||
Keilutungljurt | Botrychium minganense | DD | NE | |
Skorutungljurt | Botrychium nordicum | DD | NE | |
Lækjabrúða | Callitriche brutia | DD | LC | |
Klumbustör | Carex buxbaumii | DD | LC | |
Hveraaugnfró | Euphrasia calida | DD | NE | |
Álfafingur | Huperzia arctica | DD | NE | |
Sverðnykra | Potamogeton compressus | DD | NE | |
Hagabrúða | Valeriana sambucifolia | DD | NE |
Species not Redlisted
Species evalutated Least Concern (LC)
Name | Scientific name | Category | Criteria | Global |
Fjallalójurt | Antennaria alpina | LC | NE | |
Dvergtungljurt | Botrychium simplex v. simplex | LC | NE | |
Haustbrúða | Callitriche hermaphroditica | LC | LC | |
Línstör | Carex brunnescens | LC | LC | |
Fölvastör | Carex livida | LC | LC | |
Hagastör | Carex pulicaris | LC | NE | |
Fjallabrúða | Diapensia lapponica | LC | NE | |
Þrenningarmaðra | Galium trifidum | LC | LC | |
Mýraertur | Lathyrus palustris | LC | LC | |
Fuglaertur | Lathyrus pratensis | LC | NE | |
Blóðkollur | Sanguisorba officinalis | LC | LC | |
Bergsteinbrjótur | Saxifraga paniculata | LC | NE | |
Skógfjóla | Viola riviniana | LC | NE | |
Hnotsörvi | Zannichellia palustris | LC | LC |
Species evaluated Not Applicable (NA)
Name | Scientific name | Category | Criteria | Global |
Villilaukur | Allium oleraceum | NA | NE | |
Refagras | Cystopteris fragilis | NA | NE | |
Rauðkollur | Knautia arvensis | NA | NE | |
Vatnamynta | Mentha aquatica | NA | LC | |
Blóðmura | Potentilla erecta | NA | NE |
The IINH Red List for Plants (Válisti plantna, in Icelandic) was first published in 1996 and included vascular plants; Bryopsida; benthic algae classified as red algae (Rhodophyceae), yellow-green algae (Tribophyceae), golden algae (Chrysophyceae), brown algae (Phaeophyta), and green algae (Chlorophyta); and lichens with the exception of crustose lichens. Species assessment for the 1996 Red List was based on the IUCN criteria from 1994.
An updated version of the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria was approved in 2000 and published in 2001. Following the publication of Vöktun válistaplantna (Fjölrit Náttúrufræðistofnunar No. 50, authored by Hörður Kristinsson, Eva G. Þorvaldsdóttir, and Björgvin Steindórsson) in 2007, on monitoring of redlisted and protected plant species, 79 species vascular plant species were assessed based on the 2001 IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. A new version of the Red List for Vascular Plants was published in 2008 (Válisti æðplantna 2008, in Icelandic).